All posts by Arshiya Chaudhary

The Economics Behind Fast Fashion

Written By: Arshiya Chaudhary

A world without shifting consumer preferences is difficult to imagine, especially when it comes to the textile industry, since fashion evolves constantly. The ardent need to stay with the trend often forces consumers to shop every few weeks, propelling them to indulge in fast fashion, because who doesn’t love cheap, fast-moving, up to the minute clothes, right?

Fast fashion follows a linear business model. Brands acquire raw materials, transform them into apparel, and then sell them to the customers. As straightforward as it sounds, the actual process is quite the opposite.

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Is Protectionism Incompatible With Its Own Aims?

Written By: Arshiya Chaudhary

“The philosophy of protectionism is a philosophy of war” – Ludwig Von Mises. Cited by a renowned libertarian economist, this quote communicates the popular perception behind trade protectionism. But, can protectionism ever be a good idea? Or does it always contradict its own purpose?

Simply put, Protectionism is a policy that restricts free trade. In terms of world trade, it restricts imports from other countries using control methods like tariffs, quotas, production standards and government regulations. Protectionism within a country can be implemented to protect small firms and businesses from competition, by regulating taxes and subsidies.

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