All posts by Jay Mistry

The AI Bubble: Echoes of the Dot-Com Era

Written By: Jay Mistry

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) over the past few years has drawn significant comparisons to the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Both periods are characterized by tremendous enthusiasm for transformative technology, sky-high valuations, and a rush to invest in the next big thing. This research paper explores the similarities between the current AI boom and the dot-com bubble, drawing lessons from history to provide insights into the future trajectory of AI.

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Covid Fallout – Navigating the Post-Pandemic Medical Maze

Written By: Jay Mistry

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerabilities in Canada’s healthcare system, revealing issues within medical education, healthcare access disparities, and the interplay between health and social factors. This essay underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reform to create a more equitable and resilient healthcare system. Collaborative action is essential to address these challenges and build a system that meets the diverse needs of Canadians, emphasizing equity, community engagement, and preventive care.

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Prescription for Change: Illuminating the Shadows of the Pharmaceutical Insulin Industry

Written By: Jay Mistry

Insulin, the drug that is used to regulate your insulin levels was created in the early 1920s by two Canadian scientists, with the purpose of creating an affordable and assessable treatment for all those who have diabetes. The patent was famous and sold for $1 to the University of Toronto a direct quote from one of the creators was “Insulin doesn’t belong to me; it belongs to the world.(Diabetes UK n.d.)” The intention behind the invention was lost in translation in the American markets, as profit maximization and oligopolization of the drug has led the opposite of what the inventors of insulin sought to do.

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The US Debt Ceiling: What’s All the Fuss About?

Written By: Jay Mistry

31.46 trillion dollars. You may be wondering what this figure is, one thing is for certain that this is a significant amount of money. This figure is the amount of money that the United States of America owes to its creditors. In recent history, the USA has been the biggest economy in the world, with a GDP of 23.32 trillion dollars (1). Along with being the biggest economy in the world, it also carries the most debt. In 1917, the United States came up with a measure to control the amount of debt the nation can surmount called the debt ceiling (2). In theory, this should keep a nation’s finance in line, but this can have some significant consequences on both the USA and the global economy.

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