All posts by Lameena Chowdhury

China’s New Silk Road: The Belt and Road Initiative

Written By: Lameena Chowdhury

The Silk Road was a network of trade routes from the second to the fifteenth century, connecting Asia (majorly, China) and Europe and facilitating trade between them (6). The “new” Silk Road is called the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The “road” is a maritime network of shipping lanes connecting China, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the majority of Europe. The “belt” refers to the land routes that run through Central Asia and Europe (3).  Continue reading…

Oligopolies and Their Domino Effect

Written By: Lameena Chowdhury

Have you seen a stack of dominoes in a perfectly aligned circle with just enough space in between? If you haven’t, don’t fret – we’ve attached an example below for your convenience (4)!  If you flick one domino, it doesn’t fall. It leans down on the domino to its falling side. This causes this new domino to do the same to its falling side. The process goes on and on till all dominoes are now leaning on each other. The neat circle hasn’t fallen apart but it isn’t perfect any longer. 

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