Economics Courses & Outlines

Lookup course schedule: Schedule of classes

Course Title Outlines
ECON 100 Principles of Economics
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomics Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics Section 001 (PDF)
Section 002 (PDF)
Section 003 (PDF)
ECON 201 Microeconomic Theory 1


Microeconomic Theory for Business and Policy (starting Fall)

Section 001 (PDF)
Section 002 (PDF)
Section 003 (PDF)
ECON 202 Macroeconomic Theory 1 Section 001 (PDF)
Section 002 (PDF)
Section 003 (PDF)
ECON 206 Money and Banking 1
ECON 207 Economic Growth and Development 1
ECON 211 Introduction to Mathematical Economics Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 212 Introduction to Game Theory
ECON 220 The Principles of Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship Principles and Practices

Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 221 Statistics for Economists Section 001 (PDF)
Section 002 (PDF)
ECON 231 Introduction to International Economics Section 001 (PDF)
Section 002 (PDF)
ECON 254 Economics of Sport
ECON 255 Introduction to the Economics of Natural Resources
ECON 256 Introduction to Health Economics
ECON 261 Philosophy of Economics
ECON 262 History of Economic Thought
ECON 290 Models of Choice in Competitive Markets
ECON 301 Microeconomic Theory 2 Section 001 (PDF)
Section 002 (PDF)
ECON 302 Macroeconomic Theory 2 Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 306 Macroeconomics
ECON 311 Mathematical Economics Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 321 Introduction to Econometrics Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 322 Econometric Analysis 1
ECON 323 Econometric Analysis 2
ECON 332 International Finance
ECON 341 Public Economics: Expenditure
ECON 342 Public Economics: Taxation
ECON 344 Marketing: Principles of Marketing and Consumer Finance


Marketing 1: Principles of Marketing and Consumer Economics

Section 001 (PDF)
Section 002 (PDF)
ECON 345 Marketing 2
ECON 351 Labour Economics
ECON 357 Environmental Economics Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 361 Cost-Benefit Analysis and Project Evaluation Online (PDF)
ECON 363 The Economics of Social Problems
ECON 371 Business Finance 1 Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 372 Business Finance 2 Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 391 Equilibrium in Market Economies
ECON 392 Strategic Situations and Welfare Economics
ECON 393 Market Failures
ECON 401 Microeconomic Theory 3 Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 402 Macroeconomic Theory 3 Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 404 Topics in Money and Finance
ECON 405 Topics in Financial Econometrics
ECON 406 Money and Banking 2
ECON 407 Economic Growth and Development 2
ECON 408 Business Cycles
ECON 409 Workers, Jobs, and Wages
ECON 412 Game Theory
ECON 421 Econometrics
ECON 422 Microeconometric Analysis
ECON 423 Time Series Econometrics
ECON 436 International Trade
ECON 442 Economics of Taxation Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 445 Industrial Organization and Public Policy
ECON 451 Law and Economics
ECON 452 Topics in Labour Economics
ECON 456 Topics in Health Economics
ECON 471 Computational Economics
ECON 472 Senior Honours Essay Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 474 Numerical Methods for Economists
ECON 483 Special Studies: Topics in Urban Economics


Special Studies: Topics in Canadian Economic History

Section 001 (PDF)
ECON 484 Special Studies
ECON 491 Advanced Microeconomics
ECON 496 Advanced Macroeconomics

Source: Economics Department Website