Serena Ly

Q: What is one thing you miss about university?
A: This is difficult because there are quite a few things I miss about University.

Let’s start with the people. I think it just hit me that I won’t really be connected with so many individuals my age again to socialize with on a day-to-day basis whether it be my friends, classmates or even club-mates like UW EconSoc ;).

In terms of environment…maybe it’s because I’ve only just left in April so I’m still trying to adjust to the fact that I no longer have the luxury to plan my classes so that I could sleep-in or have days off during the week.

Perhaps I should consider pursuing a graduate degree.

Q: What did you decide to do after graduation? How is your Economics degree applicable to your field of work?

A: I was fortunate enough to be offered the position of Senior Investor Relations Advisor at the Ontario Financing Authority (OFA) before graduation. So after my last-ever undergraduate exam, I embarked on a short one-week grad trip adventure with my friends to Florida (Harry Potter theme park anyone?) and immediately commenced work after.

I am thankful for my degree because without my economics background, I would not have been hired as a co-op student and then re-hired as an advisor. Courses such as monetary economics, finance and public policy helped prepare me for working in the fixed-income market.

Q: If you were to do one thing differently during your undergrad, what would it be? Why?
A: Maybe not enroll in Japanese as an elective during first year- my cumulative average would have been a lot higher.

Q: What was the best part about being involved with the Economics Society?
A: Leading and befriending an all-new executive team to successfully launch our eCon 2015 Conference!

Q: What did you want to be “when you grew up?”
A: A teacher. However, I imagine that imaginary children are easier to deal with than real ones.

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