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Navigating UBI in Canada – Unraveling Complexities Examining Pros and Cons and Assessing Contemporary Developments

Written By: Stefan Venceljovski

The concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a contentious topic that has seen a lot of news coverage over the last few months in Canada. The basics are simple: UBI provides all citizens of a particular nation or state with a regular, unconditional sum of money, regardless of their employment status (1). However, there is significant nuance in implementing a policy like a UBI. The idea has gained traction globally as a potential solution to economic inequality, the changing nature of work, and the rising cost of living, and this has caused an increasingly complex and contentious conversation that can be difficult to navigate. Continue reading…

Family Matters – What’s at Stake Between Canada and India

Written By: Finn O’Connor

For some, the holiday season is an opportunity to connect with family and friends who we often do not get to see more than once a year. For others, it is a chance to remind ourselves why we only see our family once a year as we get the opportunity to revisit the same old disagreements from the last holidays and sit uncomfortably around the dinner table for five hours.

International relations can seem a lot like the latter at times, especially between democratic countries who are often forced to interact in global forums despite their personal misgivings with one another. Most of the time, allies bite their tongue and get to business without dredging up the ugly stuff. However, from time to time, two family members get into a row across the table while the other patrons awkwardly watch from the sidelines.

Despite being on other sides of the world, the two countries have a surprising amount in common. A parliamentary system inherited from the late British Empire, a vast territory covered in a harsh climate that sometimes borders on unhospitable, and an array of regional cultures that often chafe against the idea of a national identity. However, within these similarities are fundamental differences. Canada is temperate and can be bitingly cold, while India is tropical and brutally hot. Canada’s regional identities stem from its population’s colonial homelands, whereas many of India’s cultures predate the European nations themselves. And, while Canada’s democracy persists in a recognizable form, the Indian government has increasingly toyed with authoritarianism and nationalism. Continue reading…

Prescription for Change: Illuminating the Shadows of the Pharmaceutical Insulin Industry

Written By: Jay Mistry

Insulin, the drug that is used to regulate your insulin levels was created in the early 1920s by two Canadian scientists, with the purpose of creating an affordable and assessable treatment for all those who have diabetes. The patent was famous and sold for $1 to the University of Toronto a direct quote from one of the creators was “Insulin doesn’t belong to me; it belongs to the world.(Diabetes UK n.d.)” The intention behind the invention was lost in translation in the American markets, as profit maximization and oligopolization of the drug has led the opposite of what the inventors of insulin sought to do.

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Swiftian Economics – Resurgence or Trend?

Written By: Stefan Venceljovski

It is no secret that Taylor Swift is one of, if not the most successful artists to date. Her recent Eras tour has domineered headlines across the world as economists, policymakers, and Swifties alike try to comprehend the massive tyrant of money being injected into local economies and taken out of the pockets of spenders at a time when the geo-economic state of the world is shaky at best. Dubbed Swiftonomics or Swiftian Economics, the phenomenon of the Eras wave has rocked American cities and is expected to rock Toronto to its core. But what is the actual impact of her tour? Moreover, is her success pandemic resurgence, or is there a deeper trend in the history of mega stars propping up economies?

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Growing Pains – Lessons on Automation from the Industrial Revolution

Written By: Finn O’Connor

I’ve found it difficult, recently, to avoid hearing the term “Artificial Intelligence” as it seems the craze over sophisticated prediction models has infected every newsletter in my inbox. Every time I log into LinkedIn, I am bombarded with entrepreneurs developing vague “AI based solutions” that they reckon might change the world. At the same time, it seems like every occupation is a risk of being replaced by artificial humans that can perform any task better, and cheaper, than any lowly meat-bag. Though these fears are understandable, AI threatens the once untouchable domain of human thought upon which the information age was built. Of course, on the other hand, there is the age-old argument that while old jobs become obsolete, new ones we cannot even conceive of will replace them (I just recently learned my roommate works as an “AI prompt writer”). But while we can all look to the future to imagine what careers we might see in the next decade; it might also help to look to the past.

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